
Žemaitijos Pienas is known not only for its high-quality, globally recognized products but also for various projects we undertake—participating in international exhibitions, engaging with different communities, and organizing events. Get to know us and discover what we take pride in.

Pik-nik - Let's Peel! Championships

“PIK-NIK Let's peel!” Championships – Fun Competitions with Great Prizes

The PIK-NIK brand is known for its exceptional events held every year. Since 2010, we have strengthened our connection with consumers by organizing unforgettable “PIK-NIK Pasiplėšom!” championships in the Baltic States and beyond. This has become a traditional event inviting participants to enjoy themselves, play, compete, share, and win amazing prizes.

The main goal of the championship is to tear a delicious PIK-NIK cheese stick into 30 pieces in under 41 seconds, thereby breaking the record in the history of PIK-NIK championships.

PIK-NIK is a unique product featuring a patented, easy-to-tear structure, recognized with 22 international medals for its taste and quality. It is an exceptionally nutritious snack, rich in vitamins and minerals. The championships allow participants to get closer to this product, learn about its unique values, and enjoy a fun weekend afternoon competing for the grand prize.

Train and tear cheese sticks not only at the events but also at home. You can download and print the tearing board here.

MAGIJA 4 row poem contest

Well-known and loved by consumers, MAGIJA announces a contest!

In August and September 2024, MAGIJA fans are invited to unleash their creative powers! The goal of the project is to encourage consumers to express their creativity and love for the MAGIJA brand and its products—particularly the uniquely fluffy glazed curd snacks—by creating original quatrains:

The contest runs from August 12, 2024, to September 20, 2024. Anyone interested in participating can visit the website and submit their original quatrains. Each participant will have the chance to win special prizes, including MAGIJA wireless headphones, souvenirs, and product bundles.

Unleash your creativity inspired by MAGIJA glazed quark bars!

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Drink of summer

ŽEMAITIJOS kefir cocktail with mangoes - awarded as drink of 2024 summer

On June 1, 2024, Kūdros Park came alive during the Šaltibarščiai Festival with a special space dedicated to celebrating the centenary of Žemaitijos Pienas.

Festival attendees had the delightful opportunity to taste and evaluate our Žemaitijos kefir cocktails. Visitors were impressed by the refreshing flavors and the unique, yet-to-be-discovered taste profiles of these cocktails. Join us in celebrating this milestone with a sip of innovation!

STEAM education

On April 23, 2024, an inspiring and significant event took place—the conference for student final projects in the second phase of the "Career Education in STEAM" initiative. This initiative was organized with the support of career specialists from the Telšiai Education Center and collaboration with local businesses, aiming to engage students in creative learning and enhance their career orientation.

During the conference, participating students showcased their creativity and insight by presenting various tasks related to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Through collaboration and knowledge sharing, they developed original snack boxes, conducted research, and shared their findings. 

AB "Žemaitijos Pienas" also contributed to the project, with company representatives discussing various professions and career opportunities with the students. Thanks to this partnership, participants gained new skills and valuable knowledge about potential career paths while enjoying a productive and enjoyable experience. This was an immensely valuable opportunity that helped students better understand STEAM-related professions and broadened their horizons.

Meetings with students

German Language in Business: VDU Students Meet with Representatives of AB "Žemaitijos Pienas"

Students from VDU, accompanied by their lecturer, visited AB "Žemaitijos Pienas" for a meeting with the German Market Manager and other company representatives. During the event, they learned about the significance of the German language within the company and the available internship opportunities. The students not only had the chance to converse in German but also prepared interactive activities about Germany for the attendees.