Mashed Tomato Soup

Mashed Tomato Soup

  • Ingredients
  • DOBILAS organic yoghurt sour cream (300 g) 5 šaukšteliai
  • Bell pepper 3 vnt.
  • Onion (average) 1 vnt.
  • Garlic 3 skiltelės
  • Vegetable broth 500 ml
  • Lemon 1 vnt.
  • Thyme 1 šaukštelis
  • Oil 50 ml
  • Salt 1 žiupsnelis
  • Black pepper 1 žiupsnelis
  • Canned tomatoes 500 g
  • Process: 60
  • Level:
  • Number of people:


  1. Cut the bell peppers in half, remove the seeds, put the halves into a baking tray, sprinkle with oil and bake in a hot oven. Then pour on cold water to remove the skin.
  2. Peel the onions and garlic, chop them and fry them in hot oil for about 8 minutes. Then put in the mashed tomatoes, peeled bell pepper and fry for several minutes. Then pour everything into a pot with the broth, add salt, pepper and lemon peel. Heat on low heat for about 30 minutes.
  3. Mash the soup with a mixer, add cream, chopped thyme and serve.
  4. Decorate with green onions and pink peppercorn.

Serve with a toast of white bread and sour cream.