Bruschetta with Fried Eggplant and DŽIUGAS Cheese

Bruschetta with Fried Eggplant and DŽIUGAS Cheese

  • Process: 20
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The making of the Italian Bruschetta consists of three stages. First slice the ciabatta and smear the slices with a thin layer of butter, crush some garlic on top and put them into 180°C oven for 10-12 minutes until golden brown.

While the bread is in the oven, dice the eggplant into fine pieces. Add salt and leave for 5-7 min. When you notice a small dew, wash it away (we do that in order to get rid of the bitter taste). Dry with a paper towel. Then fry the eggplant with some butter.

During the third stage we need to combine all of our ingredients. Put the fried eggplant on the bread, seasoning with small pieces of hard cheese. Remember that the cheese has a rather intensive flavour, so don't overdo it in order not to overshadow the eggplant taste. Decorate with leaves of basil, which not only look nice, but also add a refreshing flavour.